Aaron is in the National Baseball Hall of Fame

Hank Aaron was selected in 1982 to be a member of the National Baseball Hall of Fame. The fact that Hank Aaron almost won with 97.8% of the vote is an intriguing statistic about him! The National Baseball Hall of Fame is essentially a museum of American history. This museum, which is situated in Cooperstown, New York, is the primary location for researching American baseball history. Hank Aaron's pictures and memorabilia may be located on the third floor of the Hall of Fame, which is labeled "Hank Aaron: Chasing the Dream."

Baseball's all-time leaders in RBI (2,297) and total bases are still Aaron (6,856). Aaron would still have 3,016 hits even if his 755 home runs were not counted in his total. It was shortly after Hank Aaron’s record-breaking home run that Georgia congressman Andrew Young declared: “Through his long career, Hank Aaron has been a model of humility, dignity, and quiet competence. He did not seek the adoration that is accorded to other national athletic heroes, yet he has now earned it.” Aaron was elected to the Hall of Fame in 1982. He passed away on Jan. 22, 2021.

Source: newsweek.com>James Crowley
Source: newsweek.com>James Crowley
Source: Zimbio
Source: Zimbio

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