Aaron received the United States’ highest civilian honor

A fun fact about Hank Aaron is that he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President George W. Bush in June 2002. This Medal honors the significant contributions made by civilians to national security, promoting world peace, and other vital causes. Additionally, the Presidential Medal of Freedom is regarded as the highest civilian honor in the United States.

Aaron apparently had a reputation for being one of baseball's most accomplished players. He holds the record for home runs with 755 after a 23-year professional baseball career! Aaron did indeed show the dedication and success deserving of such distinction. Mr. Aaron played first on a professional Negro League team, and was then recruited by the Milwaukee Braves and sent to a minor league team in Jacksonville, Florida, where he was one of the first black players to break the color line in the deep South. Mr. Aaron was undeterred in his pursuit of excellence by frequent encounters with racism throughout his career.

Source: eBay
Source: eBay
Source: outsider.com
Source: outsider.com

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