In terms of accommodation, the hotel conditions in Asmara range from terrifying to standard. If you want to stay for less than $100, you'll have to forsake hot water and learn to use electrical plugs. You will also have to deal with a sluggish internet connection or pay extra expenses due to internet connection issues.
It may be difficult to locate a bed in your desired price range at certain periods of the year, particularly during the summer holidays when Eritreans from outside come in large numbers, but this is rarely an issue. In the upper-tier hotels, you will only be allowed to book from abroad.
Privately operated hotels are usually cleaner and more welcoming than government-run hotels, and they provide better customer service. Many of the self-contained 'pensions' are also sufficient. Low-cost pensions are frequently used as brothels, and you usually get what you pay for - very little. The availability of water and power is unreliable. Accommodation is also one of the things to know before traveling to Eritrea.