Akame Ga Kill
"Akame ga Kill!" is a compelling anime that portrays the gripping journey of Tatsumi, a fighter who initially embarks on a quest to aid his poverty-stricken village. As the story unfolds, Tatsumi experiences betrayal at the hands of the noble family, whom he initially trusts, leading him to join the assassin group Night Raid.
This decision propels him into a transformation, both mentally and physically, as he becomes overpowered. The series delves into the struggles and conflicts faced by Night Raid as they resist the corrupt Empire and its leaders, including a revolutionary effort to overthrow the manipulative Prime Minister Honest. Tatsumi's evolution from a betrayed individual to a formidable force showcases the anime's captivating narrative, intricate character development, and intense action sequences throughout its 24-episode run.
- Directed by: Tomoki Kobayashi
- Written by: Makoto Uezu
- Studio: White Fox, C-Station
- Original run: July 7, 2014 – December 15, 2014
- Episodes: 24
- Watch here: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3742982/