"Gungrave" is a Japanese anime series that delves into the journey of the main character, Brandon Heat, and his best friend, Harry MacDowell, as they ascend through the criminal underworld. The plot initially unravels years after Brandon is betrayed and killed by Harry, only to be resurrected through necrolyzation as Beyond The Grave, setting the stage for a compelling quest for vengeance against the crime syndicate.
The narrative then shifts back to Brandon's earlier years, chronicling his and Harry's rise within the criminal hierarchy while unearthing the events that led to their eventual falling out. As the series progresses, Beyond The Grave emerges as a formidable and overpowering force, painting a riveting picture of revenge and redemption within a gritty and immersive world.
- Directed by: Toshiyuki Tsuru
- Written by: Yōsuke Kuroda
- Studio: Madhouse
- Original run: October 7, 2003 – March 30, 2004
- Episodes: 26
- Watch here: