All Heavenly Days
"All Heavenly Days" is a captivating manhua set in the mystical world of Luofu, where events from thousands of years ago continue to shape the present. It begins with the birth of a banished immortal and the resurrection of an evil emperor, sparking a conflict rooted in ancient grievances. The story takes an intriguing twist as the headmaster of the Sword Exploration School disappears into the enigmatic Dark Abyss, leaving a void in the world's balance of power.
Fast forward 10,000 years, and the headmaster mysteriously returns, breathing new life into the narrative. The manhua promises an enthralling blend of fantasy, martial arts, and a richly developed world where immortals and emperors clash, unveiling secrets buried in the sands of time. With its complex characters and intricate plot, "All Heavenly Days" promises readers a thrilling and immersive journey into a world where ancient history and modern conflicts collide.
- Author: Shen Ju Dong
- Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Martial Arts
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 177
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