Anti-Gods Dragon System
"Antigods Dragon System" is a thrilling manhua that introduces Tian Ling, a young man who faces persecution from his clan classmates. His tragic death unleashes a hidden power within him – the awakening of a dragon system. This dragon, which dates back millions of years, becomes Tian Ling's ally in his quest for revenge against the gods.
Determined to become the ultimate master and bring destruction to the divine forces, Tian Ling embarks on a rigorous training journey. The manhua follows his relentless pursuit, as he seeks to challenge and overpower the heavens themselves. With its action-packed storyline and fantastical elements, "Antigods Dragon System" promises an intense and gripping adventure filled with revenge, power struggles, and the ultimate desire for supremacy.
- Author: Ming Rou
- Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Martial Arts
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 91
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