American Nervousness
American anxiety is no longer regarded as a real ailment, despite the fact that it was a phrase that existed back in 1881 when George Miller Beard authored a book detailing it in depth. Despite the fact that this sounds like it might fit neatly into contemporary society.
Beard thought that the ailments that were specific to America and absent from other nations. His description of American uneasiness included, among many, many other problems, things like narcotic susceptibility, hay fever, dental decay, early baldness, diabetes, and even the unmatched beauty of American ladies.
Beard, a neurologist who was reportedly extremely well-known, cited a number of causes, including environmental and social elements like science, the telegraph, and steam engines. He also charged women with having more mental activity. All of them combined to exhaust a person's mental resources and send them plunging into the depths of American anxiety.