An Introduction to Cryptography (FutureLearn)
The basics of private key encryption systems, Caesar and Vigenere ciphers, frequency analysis, and the Kasiski algorithm are covered in this course. Pseudorandom numbers, Data Encryption Standard (DES), and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) will all be covered (AES). This cryptography course provides a basic introduction to cryptanalysis and associated ideas for those who are new to the field. The program examines the mathematics that serves as pillars in this discipline, as well as famous cipher examples. Following that, they will look at other types of hashing and its benefits, as well as random number generation. The fundamentals of public-key encryption systems, as well as modular arithmetic (Fermat's theorem, discovering primes, integer factorization, and discrete logarithm), are addressed in this course.
After finishing this "An Introduction to Cryptography" online course, you will be able to analyze cryptographic topics from both a theoretical and practical standpoint, as well as understand the methods utilized in the first translation and substitution ciphers. You can also look at pseudorandomness, entropy, and unicity, as well as the different applications of the subject in real life.
Duration: 2 weeks, 6 hours per week
Rating: 4.7 out of 5