Cryptography and Hashing Fundamentals in Python and Java
This Cryptography and Hashing Fundamentals in Python and Java course uses your existing programming knowledge to help you get started with this rapidly growing field. Determine the weak points in the various ciphers and how the current systems can address them. You can also go over the cryptographic algorithms' operating principles and how to implement them in Java.
You will learn about cryptography and hashing in Python and Java in this course. The majority of the private key (symmetric) and public-key (asymmetric) cryptosystems will be explained step by step. Every cryptographic algorithm's theory and implementation may be learned, as well as how to crack these systems (so what are the weaknesses).
The basics of private key encryption systems, Caesar and Vigenere ciphers, frequency analysis, and the Kasiski algorithm are covered in this course. Pseudorandom numbers, Data Encryption Standard (DES), and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) will all be covered (AES). The fundamentals of public-key encryption systems, as well as modular arithmetic (Fermat's theorem, discovering primes, integer factorization, and discrete logarithm), are addressed in this course.
Duration: 7.5 hours
Rating: 4.4 out of 5