Ant-Man is a 2015 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics characters of the same name: Scott Lang and Hank Pym. The context of the film begins with a scene where young father Scott Lang (played by Paul Rudd) is released from prison for petty theft. But because of circumstances and the desire to regain the right to take care of his daughter Cassie (Abby Fortson), he "re-emerged" with a mission to break into the residence of Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) - a talented biochemist and rich. What he found after breaking the safe was just a strange suit, then he was captured and taken back to the detention room without knowing that the whole thing was arranged to turn him into the Ant-Man and a lot of things after that.
While wearing the Ant-Man suit in his miniature form, Scott Lang possesses superhuman strength due to the dense density of molecules, allowing him to grapple multiple opponents with ease. He is also able to leap, jump and run fast thanks to this power. The resizing process compresses force and energy, so Ant-Man's attacks look so light but are enough to finish off a normal person in the blink of an eye. He can transform into a giant and crush huge structures, kick cars or crush a tank. Despite his criminal activities, Lang is a man of honor and good morals, and advocates for justice. He is stubborn and stubborn at times. But one thing that everyone must admit is that Scott Lang loves his daughter very much. That is also the factor that makes this character more impressive and outstanding than ever.