Ao Haru Ride
This shoujo manga, also known as Blue Spring Ride in English, exemplifies the will-they-won't-they narrative. It injects grounded, often harsh and dark, themes and events into the story to provide readers with a romance story with real weight and substance. Ao Haru Ride is a popular romance manga with a large fan base, particularly in Japan. The plot revolves around sixteen-year-old Futaba, whose first love has returned from a long stay in Nagasaki.
Kou, on the other hand, is not the boy she remembers; he is now distant and guarded. You soon discover that this is because Kou lost his mother while living in Nagasaki. Ao Haru Ride is a mature and hard-hitting shoujo story that shows how life throws obstacles in your path to happiness and how you often build those obstacles ourselves due to naivety, self-destructive tendencies, and an inability to see the future or read the past. This is a series with a lot of twists and turns that you should see for yourself, as well as a romance manga that comes highly recommended.
Author: Io Sakisaka
Original run: 13 January 2011–13 February 2015
Volumes: 13
Status: Completed
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