Nichijou is a Shoujo manga masterpiece that plays with the concept of "slice of life" in a very meta, constantly hilarious way. Nichijou (every day), set in the town of Tokisadame, revolves around two main groups of characters: a group of three young schoolgirls and an odd trio comprised of a child professor, her hand-built robot, and a talking cat.
Despite the fact that the strangeness of the second trio can be seen from a mile away, the three schoolgirls in this slice-of-life manga are just as odd. The first is deadpan and serious, the second is overjoyed, and the third is wildly emotional. Each chapter of Nichijou begins with a fairly mundane scenario — one that is relatable or, at the very least, understandable and reasonable — but that scenario quickly morphs and devolves into absurdity. Almost without fail, the events of each chapter will twist your stomach.
Author: Keiichi Arawi
Original run: December 2006 – present
Volumes: 11
Status: Ongoing
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