Apply green tea to your skin

Although many people drink green tea because of its health benefits, it can also be beneficial when applied directly. Flavonoids and tannins included in green tea are believed to help battle acne-causing bacteria and inflammation.

Furthermore, it contains a lot of the antioxidant epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which has been demonstrated to reduce sebum production, fight inflammation, and prevent P. acnes from growing on acne-prone skin. Applying a 2-3% green tea extract to the skin has been demonstrated in several studies to considerably reduce sebum production and acne in acne sufferers. There are many green tea-based skin care products on the market, but making your own mixture at home is quite easy and inexpensive.

Apply green tea to your skin
Apply green tea to your skin
Apply green tea to your skin
Apply green tea to your skin

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