The action-packed manhwa "Ares" was written by Cheol Ryu and Greg. "Ares" is a war-torn globe that chronicles the lives of a competent mercenary named Ares as he gets entangled in gang fights and political struggles. The story takes place in a fantasy medieval world where numerous factions and groups compete for dominance. Ares, a fierce warrior with great skill, is caught up in these power battles and has to deal with powerful foes and perilous alliances.
As the manhwa develops, Ares establishes strong friendships with a collection of companions, each of whom has special skills and objectives. Together, they undertake perilous missions, fight valiantly, and learn the truth about the mysteries and plots that surround their world. The manhwa offers a gripping and realistic tale that is chock-full of grand battles, clever military maneuvers, and complex story turns. In a violent and unsettling environment, it examines issues of loyalty, honor, vengeance, and the effects of one's decisions.
"Ares" has captured readers with its detailed artwork, well-developed characters, and engrossing storytelling. Its intense action sequences and engaging character interactions. It combines heart-pounding action, political intrigue, and personal development as Ares makes his way through a society that has been devastated by war.
Writer/illustrator: Cheol Ryu and Greg
Chapters: 205
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