The stylized and colorful images on the colored fabric batiks depict scenes from traditional Togolese daily life in the past. Another common form of printing is wax. In Togo, Sokey Edorh is a well-known painter. Togo produces a wide range of handicrafts as well. Crafts including weaving, wood carving, batiks, painting, pottery, wickerwork, ceramics, adorned calabashes, etc. are all produced in Kpalimé, which is the country's craft center. About 36 stores and retail establishments providing Togolese art and crafts to domestic and foreign customers are located in the town.
Togo's arts and crafts share stylistic similarities with those of Ghana and Nigeria; an example of this is the folk group Ewe's vibrant textiles, which have a strong affinity with Ghana's Ashanti culture's textile history. Machine-printed cotton fabrics with expressive designs predominate in today's textile industry in Togo. Wooden sculptures are created by many organizations. The abstract sculptures of the mob and gourmet cultures that depict ancestors, as well as the more naturally created sculptures of the Ewe culture, are particularly notable. Additionally well-known for their intricately adorned gourds and ceramics are the moba and gourmet populations, together with the kabyé and chamba populations. Paul Ahyi, Nestor de Souza, and Agbagli are some of the contemporary Togolese painters who have achieved international acclaim.