Attack On Titan
"Attack on Titan" stands out as one of the best fantasy anime series ever created. It has captured the hearts of many with its gripping storyline and intense action sequences. The anime is set in a world where humanity resides within enormous walled cities to protect themselves from giant humanoid creatures known as Titans.
The series follows Eren Yeager and his friends, who join the military to fight against these menacing Titans after their hometown is destroyed. As they uncover the truth behind the Titans' existence, they become embroiled in a complex web of political intrigue and mysteries.
Directed by Tetsurō Araki and produced by Wit Studio and later MAPPA, "Attack on Titan" boasts stunning animation and a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack. The studio's dedication to bringing the manga to life has been commendable. The series has received critical acclaim for its well-developed characters and thought-provoking themes. Its exploration of human nature, survival, and morality adds depth to the action-packed plot.
The sound design in "Attack on Titan" is another remarkable aspect that enhances the overall viewing experience. The anime's soundtrack, composed by Hiroyuki Sawano, is an integral part of the series' success. With its epic and emotionally charged music, it complements the intense action sequences and dramatic moments.
Directed by: Tetsurō Araki
Air Dates: April 6, 2013
IMDb Rating: 9.1