Black Clover
"Black Clover" is a popular anime and manga series created by Yūki Tabata. The series has gained a dedicated fanbase and is known for its action-packed story set in a magical world. "Black Clover" is set in a world where magic is everything, and people are born with the ability to use magic to varying degrees. However, Asta, the protagonist, is born without any magical power, which is a rarity in this world. Despite this, he dreams of becoming the Wizard King, the most powerful mage in the Clover Kingdom.
Asta's determination leads him to acquire a unique and powerful anti-magic grimoire, which grants him the ability to nullify magic and wield a magical anti-magic sword. Alongside his rival and childhood friend Yuno, who possesses exceptional magical abilities, Asta embarks on a journey to achieve his dream and protect his kingdom.
In the world of "Black Clover," magic users become Magic Knights and serve the Clover Kingdom. These knights are organized into different squads, each with its own unique abilities and characteristics. Asta and Yuno join the Black Bulls, a misfit squad known for its unconventional members and its eccentric captain, Yami Sukehiro. The anime adaptation of "Black Clover" is produced by Studio Pierrot, known for its work on other popular anime series. The animation quality has varied over the course of the series, with some episodes featuring impressive action sequences.
Directed by: Tatsuya Yoshihara
Air Dates: October 3, 2017
IMDb Rating: 8.3