Baroness Paula Von Gunther

Baroness Paula von Gunther is a fictional character that has appeared in DC Comics and associated media. The Baroness was created by William Moulton Marston in Sensation Comics 4 (1942) as an antagonist for his comic book heroine Wonder Woman, and she would go on to become the Amazing Amazon's first regular foe. Despite being a cold-blooded Nazi spy and saboteur in her early appearances, the Baroness would convert into Wonder Woman's ally (albeit one who periodically slipped into villainy), appearing in Wonder Woman stories throughout the Golden, Silver, and Bronze Ages of Comics.
Wonder Woman, her supporting characters, and many of her antagonists were reimagined and reintroduced after DC Comics rebooted its continuity in 1985 (in a publication event known as the Crisis on Infinite Earths). Though the Baroness was initially absent from this updated set of tales, Wonder Woman writer/artist John Byrne reintroduced her to the continuity in 1998, returning her to her beginnings as a wicked Nazi mastermind. The Baroness was reimagined by Byrne as an occult enthusiast who used her mystical knowledge to serve the Third Reich, and she became a receptacle for the wicked supernatural creature Dark Angel.