Basic Biostatistics

B. Burt Gerstman, MPH, PhD, is a Professor of Health Science at San Jose State University.

Basic Biostatistics is a compact introduction text that covers biostatistical principles and concentrates on data types often found in public health and scientific professions. The book emphasizes both exploratory and confirmatory statistical methods. Detailed, comprehensive examples cover sampling, exploratory data analysis, estimation, hypothesis testing, and power and precision.

Basic Biostatistics is organized into three parts: Part I covers foundational concepts and techniques; Part II offers analytic techniques for quantitative response variables; and Part III covers strategies for categorical replies. Many new exercises are included in the Second Edition. This is the ideal introductory biostatistics text for undergraduates and graduates in diverse sectors of public health, with language, examples, and activities that are understandable to those with little mathematics backgrounds.

Throughout Basic Biostatistics, there are illustrative, relevant examples and activities. The answers to the odd-numbered exercises can be found in the back of the book. (Instructors may ask the publisher for answers to even-numbered exercises.) To allow for flexibility in the order of covering, chapters are purposefully brief and limited in scope. Manual computations are given equal weight, as is the use of statistical tools such as StaTable, SPSS, and WinPepi. A comprehensive companion website offering resources for both students and instructors.

Author: B. Burt Gerstman

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Best Sellers Rank: #55,204 in Books

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#6 in Epidemiology (Books)

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