Introduction to the New Statistics

Geoff Cumming is a retired La Trobe University professor who has taught statistics for over 40 years. Robert Calin-Jageman is a psychology professor and the neuroscience program director at Dominican University, where he has taught and mentored undergraduate students for the past nine years.

Introduction to the New Statistics is the first introductory statistics textbook to begin with an estimating technique to assist readers comprehend effect sizes, confidence intervals (CIs), and meta-analysis ('the new statistics'). It is also the first literature to discuss the exciting new Open Science techniques that stimulate replication and improve study reliability. Furthermore, the book extensively discusses NHST so that students may understand published findings. Throughout, numerous real-world study cases are used. To increase users' understanding of statistics and modern research methods, the book employs today's most successful learning tools and promotes critical thinking, comprehension, and retention. The free ESCI (Exploratory Software for Confidence Intervals) software visualizes topics and allows for calculation and graphing. The book is suitable for usage with or without ESCI.

Other noteworthy features include:

  • Discussion of estimate and NHST techniques, as well as how to simply transfer between the two.
  • For the greatest understanding of estimate methods, several activities employ ESCI to analyze data and create graphs with CIs.
  • Videos of the authors explaining essential ideas and showing ESCI use are a compelling learning tool for regular or flipped courses.
  • In-chapter exercises and quizzes with accompanying comments enable students to learn by doing and track their progress.
  • End-of-chapter tasks and comments, many of which use real-world data, provide practice in using the new statistics to assess data and using research judgment in practical circumstances.
  • Don't fool yourself recommendations assist pupils in avoiding typical blunders.
  • Red Flags highlight the definition of "significance" and the implications of p values.
  • At exam time, chapter outlines, defined key phrases, sidebars with essential topics, and summarized take-home messages serve as a study tool.

Researchers interested in comprehending the new statistics will benefit from Introduction to the New Statistics, which is intended for introduction to statistics, data analysis, or quantitative methods courses in psychology, education, and other social and health sciences. There is no assumption of prior knowledge of introductory statistics.

Author: Geoff Cumming and Robert Calin-Jageman

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#61 in Business Statistics

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