A manhwa (Korean comic book) series titled "Bastard" was created by Youngchan Hwang and Carnby Kim. From 2014 until 2018, the series, which belongs to the thriller, suspense, and psychological subgenres, was serialized in South Korea. The plot centers on Jin Seon, a high school student whose father is an infamous serial killer. Jin is plagued by the worry that he might have inherited his father's violent impulses when his father is put behind bars. When he learns that his father has a new ally who is preying on Jin's classmates, his anxieties only increase.
In order to survive and discover the truth about his father's crimes, Jin must negotiate his complicated relationships with his father, his classmates, and his own psyche as the novel progresses. "Bastard" had been released in English by LINE Webtoon as of the cutoff date of September 2021, and all episodes could be read for free on their website. The series has won praise from critics for its compelling plot, well-rounded characters, and gorgeous visuals.
Author: Youngchan Hwang
Artist: Carnby Kim
Genre: Thriller, suspense, psychological
Chapters: 94
Status: Complete