Bearded vulture
The bearded vulture is a species of vulture that can be found in some mountainous regions of Europe, Africa, and Asia. They are the only known vertebrate whose diet is almost entirely bone. These birds are active during the day soaring for hours in search of dead bodies or live prey. They can feed on two square kilometers per day. When fed, Bearded Vultures can swallow whole or bite through brittle bones the size of a lamb's femur, and their powerful digestive systems quickly break down even large pieces. This will smash them into smaller pieces and expose the nutritious pulp.
Although they are primarily scavengers like all vultures, they often attack live prey. Turtles seem to be one of their favorites, hence it is on the list of predators of tortoises that eat tortoises. Beard vultures kill turtles in the same way a golden eagle does, flying with them to a certain height before dropping them onto the rocky surface to crack the shell, which will smash them into smaller pieces and reveal the body nutritious marrow. Predators of this tortoise can carry prey as heavy as themselves. The average weight of a bearded vulture is close to 14 pounds so lower-weight tortoises are more susceptible to attack.