Some of Africa's greatest predators, including the mighty lion, have failed to prey on tortoises. But one animal on this continent that can do it fairly easily is none other than our close relative, the chimpanzee. In the recent past, this carnivorous tortoise has been found to eat turtle meat several times. This is a strange find as they have never been recorded eating another type of reptile.
The way chimpanzees deal with shell-shaped obstacles is also unique. They banged the turtles against branches and trunks as long as their shells didn't crack. It's practically the same method they use to eat hard-shelled fruit like walnuts. Chimpanzees have been observed killing and eating turtles for the first time and this has raised questions about whether chimpanzees consider turtles their main food.
The chimpanzees try to break the turtle shells to kill them and give them access to meat, which is rich in protein, vitamins, and fat. But luckily for tortoises, chimpanzees don't seem to consider them a meal unless it's the dry season. Although the reason behind chimpanzees' seasonal appetites is unclear, zoologists believe that chimpanzees will not attempt to kill turtles unless food sources are exhausted in the dry season.