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Become a Data Analyst - LinkedIn Learning

Become a Data Analyst on LinkedIn Learning is the next name on the list of the best online Data Analytics courses. This is a data science "learning path" for beginners. Learning paths are collections of related video courses on a specific subject or profession. Learning Data Analytics; Data Fluency: Exploring and Describing Data; Excel Statistics Essential Training: 1; Learning Excel: Data Analysis; Learning Data Visualization; Power BI Essential Training; and Tableau Essential Training are the seven courses on this path (2020.1). The length of each course varies. However, because most courses last between two and four hours, you can complete the entire path in about 24 hours.

Starting this learning path requires no prior knowledge. You don't even need to understand what data analysis is. The course starts with a definition of data analysis before going over how to recognize, interpret, clean, and visualize data. Six different instructors, all of whom are industry experts, teach the curriculum via video. Some courses include quizzes, and all courses include a Q&A section where you can ask the lecturer any questions you have about the course.

This course offers:

  • Free to access
  • Beginner-friendly
  • Quizzes
  • No prerequisites

Course by: LinkedIn Learning

Estimated time: 38 hours of content

Enroll here:


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