Beloved Enemy
Beloved Enemy is a Chinese drama series that captivated audiences during its run from August 14, 2017, to October 2, 2017. Falling within the genres of Romance, Drama, and Yaoi, the show follows the journey of Gu Qing Pei, an elite businessman faced with an unexpected challenge on his very first day at a new workplace. Tasked by the company's chairman, he is entrusted with the responsibility of guiding and teaching the chairman's spirited and proud son, Yuan Yang.
The narrative unfolds into a complex web of relationships as Yuan Yang, though perceptive of Qing Pei's facade, refrains from confrontation due to his father's influence. This dynamic leads to a nuanced connection between the two characters, characterized by tension, rivalry, and, surprisingly, moments of camaraderie.
Beloved Enemy distinguishes itself through its focus on character development, the intricacies of the master-apprentice relationship, and the incorporation of a time skip. Moreover, the series delves into significant themes such as sexual assault and the transformation of animosity into friendship. The main cast, featuring Shang Bai as Gu Qing Pei and Gao Ming as Yuan Yang, delivers compelling performances, contributing to the show's popularity and leaving a lasting impact on viewers who appreciate its depth and exploration of complex human emotions.
- Release date: August 14, 2017
- Produced by: iQIYI
- Genres: Drama
- Director: Sun Cheng Zhi
- Stars: Shang Bai, Gao Mig, Liao Wang, Meng Yao
- Number of seasons: 1
- Number of episodes: 15
- Mydramalist rating: 7.2/10
- Watch here: