Silent Criminal
The Silent Criminal is a Chinese drama series that graced screens in 2020, featuring Li Jia Ming and Wen Sheng as the main characters. The story unfolds in a tranquil town disrupted by a cunning plot as thieves strategize to seize a box housing a potent weapon. However, upon obtaining the box, they find it empty, and their mysterious demise follows.
Wen Sheng takes on the role of Long Yao, a noble martial artist dedicated to justice. Long Yao, suspecting foul play, dives into an undercover mission to uncover the truth behind the missing weapon and the demise of the would-be thieves. His investigation brings him into contact with Shi Jing Yao, portrayed by Li Jia Ming, a modest town investigator. Initially suspicious of Shi Jing Yao's involvement in the crimes, Long Yao soon realizes his innocence and envisions a powerful alliance.
The pursuit of justice also involves Li Huang Wu, a self-proclaimed warrior queen seeking revenge for her father's death, and Zhao Ge, an ambitious woman wielding formidable magical abilities. The series is commendable for its execution, maintaining viewer engagement with strong chemistry between the lead characters and delivering a satisfying conclusion.
- Release date: November 9, 2020
- Produced by: Huan Yu Film and Jumo Film
- Genres: Mystery, Adventure
- Director: Dong Cai Yu
- Stars: Leo Li, Wen Shen
- Number of seasons: 1
- Number of episodes: 13
- IMDb rating: 6.5/10
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