The Bistrița (also known as Bistrița Moldoveană) is a river in Romania's Maramureș, Bukovina, and Moldavia regions (most of its length). It is a tributary of the river Siret on the right bank. It empties into the Siret at Bacău. The Rodna Mountains, at the foot of the Gârgalău peak, are its source. It runs through Bistrița-Năsăud, Suceava, Neamț, and Bacău counties. Along the Bistrița are the towns of Vatra Dornei, Bicaz, Piatra Neamț, Roznov, Buhuși, and Bacău. The Bistrița is 283 kilometers long, with a basin size of 7039 kilometers2.
Bistrița Aurie is another name for the upper reaches (German: Goldene Bistritz). On the Bistrița River, the following dams have been built: Topoliceni, Izvorul Muntelui, Pângărați, Vaduri, Piatra Neamț, Reconstrucția, Racova, Gârleni, Lilieci, Bacău
Leghth: 283 km