Black Butler
The edgy, dark comedy/drama Black Butler is to historical manga what Bridgerton is to historical fiction. The Black Butler, set in nineteenth-century Victorian London, begins with its young protagonist, Ciel Phantomhive (real name), suffering a series of tragic losses and traumas. Ciel's grandparents' house is attacked and burned down, killing both of his parents. He is then kidnapped by a satanic cult, which abuses him before summoning a demon.
However, the demon kills the cult on Ciel's behalf and strikes a faustian bargain with him. Ciel assumes his father's former position as Queen Victoria's watchdog with the assistance of the demon. Ciel works to exact revenge on those who destroyed his life at the start of the manga, with the demon named Sebastian by his side as his "butler." Sebastian will take Ciel's soul as part of their bargain when everything comes to an end. Black Butler is a ridiculous historical manga full of gothic tropes and drama. It is a very chaotic creature that is dark, edgy, and funny.
Author: Yana Toboso
Original run: September 16, 2006 – present
Volumes: 32
Status: Ongoing
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