The Elusive Samurai

The Elusive Samurai is a fun and frantic historical manga written and drawn by modern shonen manga legend Yusei Matsui, creator of Assassination Classroom, that begins at the end of Japan's Kamakura Period. This shonen manga begins in 1333 and follows the revenge story of the young lord Hojo Tokiyuki, heir to the Kamakura shogunate after his family's retainer betrays and burns the city.

The first chapter of the manga is a heartbreaking introduction to its protagonist, villain, and narrative motivation, as Tokiyuki watches the virtuous man he has always admired — Ashikaga Takauji — lead an opposing force to destroy his home. What distinguishes Tokiyuki is his proclivity for survival; his almost supernatural ability to evade, flee, and hide. He is able to carve a path out and back for vengeance and retribution by avoiding death. This vengeance begins with his first fight, with the assistance of his new comrades, against his uncle's betrayer; a man who let Tokiyuki's own brother die.

Despite the backstabbing, death, and trauma, The Elusive Samurai is a mostly positive and uplifting story about a young boy's ability to persevere, ask for help, and stay on his feet. It's a beautifully drawn modern shonen manga with frequent moments of comedic levity that keep it light and joyful while balancing out the darker historical themes and moments of the manga.

Author: Yusei Matsui
Original run: January 25, 2021 – present
Volumes: 11
Status: Ongoing
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