Blade of the Phantom Master
"Blade of the Phantom Master" is a mesmerizing Korean animated film released in 2004, adapted from the manhwa series of the same name created by Youn In-wan and Yang Kyung-il. Under the directorial guidance of Joji Shimura and Ahn Tae-geun, this cinematic gem immerses viewers in a fictional world reminiscent of ancient Korea, where a clandestine order of agents known as the amheng osa, or angyo onshi in Japanese, once faithfully served the now-fallen kingdom of Jushin.
At the heart of this captivating narrative is Munsu, one of the last surviving amheng osa, who traverses the land alongside his stalwart companion, the fierce female warrior Sando, and his loyal and mystical servant, Bang Ja. As they journey through this turbulent world, they confront an array of adversaries and allies, steadfast in their mission to restore justice and peace amidst the chaos.
"Blade of the Phantom Master" masterfully blends action, fantasy, drama, and comedy, offering a rich and immersive cinematic experience. With a tapestry of intricate storytelling and captivating characters, it has earned praise from both critics and fervent fans, solidifying its place as a treasured gem in Korean animation history.
- Release date: November 11, 2004
- Developed by: Locus Corporation and Production I.G
- Number of episodes: 1
- Watch here: