Red Shoes and The Seven Dwarfs
"Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs" is a delightful Korean animated movie that graced screens in 2019, weaving a playful twist into the beloved fairy tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Produced by Locus Corporation and directed by Hong Sung-ho, this enchanting film offers a fresh perspective on a timeless classic.
The story centers around Snow White, a princess whose fate takes an unexpected turn when she dons a pair of magical red shoes. These enchanting footwear have the remarkable ability to transform her into a ravishing beauty. Meanwhile, Merlin, a cursed prince, and his six loyal knights find themselves transformed into dwarfs. Together, they embark on an extraordinary quest to break the curse that binds them and discover true love.
Snow White, affectionately known as Red Shoes, may lack innate magical powers, but her heart shines with kindness and courage. These qualities become her true strength as she confronts the challenges that lie ahead. Alongside her newfound companions, she navigates a world of enchantment, uncovering the power of love and inner beauty.
"Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs" is a heartwarming tale that reminds us that true magic lies within, emphasizing the enduring virtues of kindness and bravery. With a charming twist on a beloved classic, it captivates audiences of all ages, proving that the power of love and self-discovery can overcome any curse.
- Release date: July 25, 2019
- Developed by: Locus Corporation
- Number of episodes: 1
- Watch here: