Booby diaper bag is one of the products of Bobby brand - a quality baby diaper brand from Japan. Booby not only produces diapers that absorb quickly for babies to wear but also designs Booby diaper bags. In addition, you can also use the Booby diaper bag to store other items such as bottles, baby snacks, and dirty baby clothes.
Bobby's diaper bag products are manufactured and researched according to Japanese quality standards and prevent dirt and water absorption, so they are extremely safe for children's sensitive skin. The Bobby bag is both portable and can be worn, and the spacious space of many compartments makes users feel confident and worry-free when not enough items in the bag.
If you want to buy a Booby diaper bag, you can refer to Bobby's homepage for detailed information, and applicable promotions or buy through an intermediary such as Shopee.
- Founded: 2003
- Headquarters: Minato, Tokyo, Japan
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- Followers on Facebook: 539,314 Followers