Kitamura is an amazing women's handbag brand from Japan. Founded in 1992 to create bags with a full back, the Kitamura brand always creates lovely and colorful designs.
Unique bags that only Kitamura brand has, large and spacious bags suitable for camping, if the family has a baby but has to store baby items such as diapers, milk, and baby food, this is the product quality, excellent products, and green environmental protection. This bag, which you can wear on your shoulder or carry, is very convenient.
Kitamura always creates dedicated and close-up customer service services, allowing exchange and customer care after purchasing the brand's products. Thanks to its superior products and services, Kitamura has gained an ever-increasing number of loyal customers.
- Founded: 1992
- Headquarters: Niigata, Japan
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- Followers on Facebook: 2,5K Followers
- Followers on Twitter: 1,743 Followers