is a website that offers a wide range of free and paid eBooks and educational materials primarily targeted towards students, business professionals, and personal development. It was founded in 2005 and has since become one of the largest eBook publishers globally.
Bookboon provides a collection of eBooks in various disciplines, including business, engineering, IT, finance, marketing, languages, and personal development. The platform offers both textbooks and non-fiction books, covering both academic subjects and practical skills relevant to the workplace. The materials are available in PDF format and can be downloaded and read offline.
One of the notable features of Bookboon is its focus on providing free eBooks. The website offers a significant number of free titles that can be accessed without any cost. These free eBooks often include advertisements within the content. Additionally, Bookboon offers a premium service called Bookboon Premium, which provides access to an expanded library of ad-free eBooks for a subscription fee.
Bookboon's eBooks are designed to be concise and practical, providing targeted knowledge and skills in a straightforward and easily digestible format. The materials are written by experts and industry professionals, ensuring the content is relevant and up-to-date. Bookboon also offers a selection of audio and video materials to enhance the learning experience.
While the majority of the eBooks on are free or available through a premium subscription, the platform also features a marketplace where users can purchase and access additional titles. These paid eBooks often cover more specialized or advanced topics and are priced individually.
Features: user-friendly interface; primarily textbooks on IT, engineering, and business.
- Offers a large collection of textbooks and business books for free.
- Textbooks are available in multiple languages.
- Provides textbooks that are professionally edited and formatted.
- Offers a user-friendly reading experience.
- Some textbooks may only be available for a limited time.
- May not be suitable for students who prefer physical textbooks.