Open Textbook Library
The Open Textbook Library is a collection of free, peer-reviewed, and openly licensed textbooks that anyone can use and adapt for their own purposes. The library is maintained by the Open Education Network, a collaborative initiative of higher education institutions and organizations focused on promoting open education and affordable learning materials.
All textbooks in the library are free to access and download, with no registration or fees required. Each textbook undergoes a rigorous peer-review process to ensure its quality and accuracy. All textbooks are openly licensed, meaning that they can be freely used, shared, modified, and adapted by anyone. Many of the textbooks in the library are designed to be accessible to students with disabilities, including those who use assistive technologies.
The Open Textbook Library offers textbooks on a wide range of subjects, including business, education, humanities, social sciences, mathematics, and science. Some of the most popular textbooks on the site include "Introduction to Psychology" by Charles Stangor, "College Algebra" by Carl Stitz and Jeff Zeager, and "Elementary Linear Algebra" by Kenneth Kuttler.
Features: Free Textbooks by subjects, focussed on college learning, editing and distribution of free college textbooks available for free too.
- Offers a large collection of peer-reviewed, open-source textbooks.
- Textbooks are available for free and are licensed under a Creative Commons license.
- Covers a wide range of subjects and academic levels.
- Enables collaboration and customization of textbooks.
- Limited selection of textbooks compared to other websites.
- Textbooks may not cover all topics required for a course.
- May not be suitable for students who prefer physical textbooks.