A great website for making your own and finding flashcards made by others is Brainscape. Constructing a free account first, then add a class (topic), and then construct your flashcard deck. For several courses, you can set up different classes and flashcard decks in each.
Enter the front and back of your cards' questions and answers. Then either save your deck or immediately begin studying. Even though the free account simply allows you to utilize text on your flashcards, you might not even need more than that. Additionally, your decks can be sorted, edited, and shared with others. Brainscape offers paid subscriptions for extra content, an advanced editor with the ability to add graphics and audio, as well as other educational tools in addition to its free Android and iOS apps.
With a sleek interface and millions of subscribers, Brainscape is one of our favorite options on this list. Their color-coded flashcards span a huge array of subjects, and you can easily track your progress through Brainscape's sensible class structure. There are color-coded flashcards that can be used on a wide variety of subjects. Brainscape’s sensible class structure helps to track a learner’s progress. The standout feature is that it pays importance to problem areas in later sessions.
![Screenshot of](/images/800px/brainscape-1012555.jpg)