Business Etiquette
Another Bulgarian culture, customs, and etiquette that you must bear in mind is business etiquette. Relationship building is important in Bulgaria. You should spend time getting to know your peers before getting down to business. Initial business meetings should be used as an introduction, and subsequent meetings can then be used for more in-depth business discussions.Bulgarians are not deadline oriented and meetings often last longer than anticipated. Do not rush the process. Be patient and do not rush meetings - successful ventures in Bulgaria won't happen overnight.
Bulgarians prefer to ensure they have thoroughly covered the subject at hand before making a decision or ending a meeting. Be ensure you wear formal clothes to business meetings and behave formally during the meeting; the demeanor will become more friendly and casual and the meeting is going well. Remember eye contact is important to establish trust. Bulgarians have a tendency to talk in a roundabout way when concerned about not saying anything that could be used against them later. If you are asking questions and not getting direct answers try asking the question in different ways