Callistemon is a genus of shrubs in the family Myrtaceae, first described as a genus in 1814. The entire genus is endemic to Australia but widely cultivated in many other regions and naturalized in scattered locations. Many commercial nurseries continue to use the name ‘’Callistemon’’. These species can be propagated either by cuttings (some species more easily than others) or from the seeds.
Because of their cylindrical, brush-like blooms that resemble classic bottle brushes, Callistemon species are frequently referred to as bottle brushes. They are mainly found in Australia's temperate regions, particularly along the east coast. Because they normally like damp environments, they do best when planted in gardens where they receive frequent irrigation. But there are two species in Tasmania and many more in the southwest of Western Australia. At least some species can withstand dryness, and others are grown for ornamental landscaping in other parts of the world.