Hakea is a genus of about 150 species of plants in the Family Proteaceae, endemic to Australia. In many areas of Australia, hakeas are just as prevalent as grevilleas and banksias as decorative plants in gardens. There have been several hybrids and cultivars created, notably Hakea 'Burrendong Beauty'. They thrive in light soil beds that are watered but still have good drainage.
Shrubs or tiny trees make up the Hakea genus of plants. Some species have flat leaves, while others have needle-like leaves that occasionally are split and occasionally have a groove on the underside. When in the bud, the flowers are grouped in groups on the leaf axils and are encircled by bracts. The flowers are carried on a slender stalk known as a pedicel and have both male and female parts. As the flower grows, the sepals and petals, collectively known as tepals, form a curved tube that occasionally rips open. The style is bent before its tip is released and is longer than the tepal tube. When released, the tip of the style is a pollen-presenter.