
Camilla is a co-worker with Yor, who works at Berlint City Hall, and a friend with Millie Myers and Sharon. She appears to be fairly wealthy, residing in a large two-story house. Camilla is depicted as sociable and engages in activities with her friends, including gossiping, attending parties, and having dinner after work.

In one instance, she hosts a dinner party and invites Yor, encouraging her to bring someone along. Camilla's interactions with Yor and her surprise at Yor's marital status reveal her curious and social nature. This reflects her interest in the lives of others and her penchant for socializing. Camilla's character adds depth to the social dynamics within the series, showcasing her outgoing personality and desire to connect with her colleagues and acquaintances.


  • Hair Color: Blonde
  • Eye Color: Yellow
  • Job: City Hall Clerk
  • Amine Debut: Episode 2
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