Martha Marriott

Martha Marriott is a supporting character in the "Spy x Family" series, known for her role as the butler of the Blackbell family and as the caretaker of Becky Blackbell. She is depicted as a dignified and strict woman with a motherly relationship with Becky.

Her demeanor is characterized by a dignified manner and a lack of concern for social class, despite her work for a wealthy family. Gradually, Martha's background as a former soldier is revealed, indicating her combat skills and high speed.

Her protective nature is highlighted when she swiftly intervenes to protect Anya, showcasing her devotion to those under her care. This article presents Martha as a significant character with a complex personality and a rich background, adding depth to the narrative of "Spy x Family."


  • Hair Color: Gray
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Job: Butler
  • Abilities and Skills: Fighting Skills
  • Anime Debut: Episode 24
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