Captain Phillips

"Captain Phillips" is a biographical drama film based on the true events of the 2009 Maersk Alabama hijacking. The film begins with Captain Richard Phillips (by Tom Hanks) departing on a routine shipping assignment aboard the Maersk Alabama, a container ship bound for Mombasa, Kenya. As they sail through the dangerous waters near Somalia, Phillips and his crew become aware of the presence of pirates in the region.

Soon after, the Maersk Alabama is attacked by a small group of armed Somali pirates led by Muse (Barkhad Abdi). Despite the crew's efforts to resist, the pirates manage to board the ship. In an attempt to protect his crew, Captain Phillips offers himself as a hostage, hoping to ensure their safety and secure his own release. He tries to outsmart his captors while maintaining a calm facade, aware that any misstep could endanger his life and the lives of his crew.

Known for his distinctive handheld camera style, director Paul Greengrass employs a documentary-like approach to "Captain Phillips." The use of handheld cameras and natural lighting adds a sense of immediacy to the film, whose tension is further heightened through close-up shots and quick cuts. As such, each character's experience is fully captured in its rawest emotional intensity, enhancing the impact of the masterpiece. It is definitely one of the best pirate movies.

Release: 2013

Stars: Tom Hanks, Barkhad Abdi, Barkhad Abdirahman

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 93%

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Sony Pictures

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