The Goonies

"The Goonies" guides viewers to group of young friends (known as the Goonies), who face the imminent foreclosure of their homes. The group consists of Mikey Walsh (Sean Astin), his older brother Brand (Josh Brolin), Chunk (Jeff Cohen), Mouth (Corey Feldman), Data (Jonathan Ke Quan), and their friend Andy (Kerri Green) and her crush, Stef (Martha Plimpton).

While rummaging through Mikey's attic, they come across an old treasure map belonging to the legendary pirate One-Eyed Willy. Excited by the prospect of finding the treasure, they embark on an adventure to follow the map's clues in hopes of solving their financial problems.

"The Goonies" is celebrated for its sense of adventure, humor, and witty characters, whose combined power depicts the essence of youthful curiosity and the magic of childhood friendships. It has become a beloved cult classic and remains a cherished film that continues to inspire generations of adventure seekers and treasure hunters.

Release: 1985

Stars: Sean Astin, Josh Brolin, Jeff Cohen

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 77%

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