
The Career website is another highly effective job-hunting tool on the list of the Best Job Websites in Korea, with an easy-to-use design and helpful features to assist job searchers in obtaining jobs. The method to create a CV, send a CV to a company, and find a suitable job is similar to the steps you should take on Job Korea and Saramin. This platform is simple to use because it displays the logos of all of Korea's major corporations on its interface.
On this site, you need to sign up and create a CV that will be submitted to a possible employer. If you do not want to register a new ID, you can create an account using your existing Google, Kakao, Naver, or Facebook accounts. The logos of the companies with opportunities serve as a link to a page with more information about the employment criteria and the specific company. So, even if you don't speak Korean, you should be able to use the career employment site thanks to the logos and images.
Founded: N/A
Headquarters: Seoul, Korea