
Saramin ranks second on the list of the best job websites in Korea. This site is extremely popular with leading organizations in Korea, which use it to find skilled staff. Based on this, Saramin is only interested in full-time positions and has an infinite number of job openings. However, there are times when short-term initiatives require the use of part-time labor.
On this site, people must sign up as members and upload their CVs, which may then be given immediately to an employer upon request. Another distinguishing feature of this job website is that it publishes useful job-related news. It offers services to assist job seekers with their applications and interviews, as well as a forum for successful candidates to discuss criticism or strategies for winning.
Unfortunately, this extremely competent job portal is only available in Korean. To cut down on the difficulties, you could use translation services. However, with a little help from a native or a little Korean skill, one should be able to navigate through and get the full benefits of the Saramin site.
Founded: 2002
Headquarters: Guro-gu, Seoul, Korea