Cashew powder

Although nut powders typically work as a substitute for milk powder, cashew milk powder, in particular, most closely resembles the creamy, slightly sweet texture and flavor of milk powder. Unless otherwise noted on the box, cashew powder can be substituted for milk powder in an equal amount. This substitution tastes great in a wide range of foods, including smoothies, baked goods, and granola bars.
Noting that certain brands appear to clump more frequently than others is also important. As a result, for a smoother consistency when adding cashew milk powder to dishes like soups, you may need to combine the powder with part of the liquid in a blender. About 140 calories, 6 grams of fat, 3 grams of protein, and 20 grams of carbohydrates are included in one-fourth cup (26 grams) of cashew milk powder. Despite being difficult to locate in shops, cashew milk powder may be purchased online.