"Casshern" is a 2004 Japanese science fiction movie directed by Kazuaki Kiriya. The movie is a live-action adaptation of the anime series "Neo-Human Casshern," which was originally released in 1973. Set in a dystopian future, the movie follows the story of Tetsuya (played by Yusuke Iseya), a young man who dies in a military experiment and is brought back to life as a powerful cyborg by his scientist father. As Tetsuya tries to come to terms with his new existence, he becomes embroiled in a conflict between the human resistance and the powerful robotic army led by the enigmatic Braiking Boss.
The movie combines elements of science fiction, action, and drama to tell a visually stunning and emotionally charged story. The special effects used in the movie are particularly noteworthy, with the filmmakers utilizing a unique blend of live-action and computer-generated imagery to create a distinctive visual style. Despite receiving mixed reviews upon its release, "Casshern" has since gained a cult following among fans of Japanese science fiction and anime.
Release date: April 24, 2004
Directed by: Kazuaki Kiriya
Running time: 140 minutes
IMDb rating: 6/10
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