Riaru onigokko
"Riaru Onigokko" (also known as "Tag") is a 2015 Japanese action-horror film directed by Sion Sono and based on Yusuke Yamada's novel of the same name. The story follows a young girl named Mitsuko as she is pursued by a group of malevolent attackers, including a teacher wielding a machine gun and a young boy with superhuman strength. Mitsuko discovers that she may be caught in a nightmare game of tag that transcends time and reality as she tries to survive.
"Riaru Onigokko" is known for its surreal and violent imagery, as well as its exploration of complex themes such as gender, identity, and the nature of reality. The film's use of game-like structures and motifs, as well as its emphasis on physical and psychological violence, have also been noted by critics and scholars. The film features a strong performance by its lead actress, Reina Triendl, and has been praised for its creative cinematography and visual effects.
The success of "Riaru Onigokko" led to a sequel, "Tag 2," which was released in 2017. The film has also been adapted into a manga series and an anime series. Sion Sono is known for his unique and provocative filmmaking style, and he has directed numerous other acclaimed films, including "Love Exposure," "Cold Fish," and "Tokyo Tribe."
Release date: July 11, 2015
Directed by: Sion Sono
Running time: 85 minutes
IMDb rating: 6.1/10
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79_IBN2BCak