Center Backpack Bag Co., Ltd
Center Backpack Bag is a professional bag manufacturer and exporter based in Guangzhou, China. The company has been in business since 1996 and has produced a wide range of bags, including backpacks, laptop bags, travel bags, school bags, and more. The organization has a staff of experienced and trained individuals who use innovative equipment and technology to make high-quality bags. They also have a thorough quality control system in place to ensure that each bag fulfills the specifications of their customers.
Center Backpack Bag is dedicated to offering the best service possible to their consumers. They provide OEM and ODM services, which means they can customize bags based on the designs, specs, and needs of their customers. They also offer free samples to customers so that they may evaluate the quality of their products. The company's clients include wholesalers, retailers, and distributors from all over the world. Their bags have been shipped to numerous nations, including the United States, Europe, Australia, and Asia.
Founded: 1996
Headquarters: Huli New Technology Park, Xiamen, China